Halloween poem.

Pumpkin lanterns full of light

Brightening up the darkening night

Spooks and demons, ghosts galore

Coming tonight to knock on your door

Cobwebs and masks, spiders and bats

Long hooked noses and pointy hats

Witches and wizards out on the street

knock on your door for a trick or treat

When the moon is high and the day is done

Open your door and have some Fun!

By Brenda Williams



  1. Very good post Kaitlin.

  2. Hi Kaitlyn!
    I’m writing from California in the United States. As part of our blogging challenge this week, I’m supposed to find out about popular foods in other blogger’s countries. Can you visit our class blog at http://www.flags8.org to tell us about one of your country’s popular foods?
    Ms. Manjarrez

  3. Hi kaitlinw1,
    I live in Southern California and I my class was supposed to do a blogging challenge. What are some popular foods in your country?

    Thank you,

  4. Great poem and hello from the united states! In your country do you guys enjoy having something bizarre for lunch or something casual like a sand which. Please check out my schools blog http://www.flags8.org/

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